ADHD or Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is basically a neurodevelopmental disorder. Generally, it can be diagnosed in childhood and persist into adulthood. Unfortunately, this condition is incurable but medication and counseling can control its severity.
If you want to know more about the disorder, you must know about the symptoms and the treatment procedures.
When you experience mild changes in your physical or mental health, you need to be conscious. Because you never know what's gonna happen next, right? Similarly, ADHD also shows some symptoms from the initial days. These symptoms are,
The symptoms in children and adults can cause certain mental disorders as well. The children may suffer from depression, anxiety, epilepsy, dyspraxia, ASD (autistic spectrum disorder), OOD (oppositional defiant disorder), dyslexia, conduct disorder, and Tourette's disorder. On the other hand, adults can experience OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), personality disorder, and bipolar disorder.
The root causes can be divided into three sections. These are mentioned below,
The exact cause of ADHD is still unrevealed. However certain studies and research have proven that smaller and larger areas of the brain can be a root cause of ADHD. Apart from this few chemical imbalances inside the brain can also lead to ADHD.
Genetic reasons are a vital part of every psychological disorder. Though it's not a single genetic fault, patients tend to inherit this disorder from their parents and siblings.
There are some inborn reasons as well. Premature babies and also those who are born with epilepsy can have ADHD. Other than this brain damage in accidents can cause ADHD disorder.
Yes, you can definitely know that. Generally, people with ADHD suffer from 3 conditions, such as hyperactivity, inattention, and extreme impulsiveness. Sometimes people don't realize that they are suffering from a mental disorder, that's why you must listen to your family, friends, and well-wishers talk to a therapist.
As the disease is incurable, you must focus on constant treatments. There are some common treatments for ADHD in children. These are,
The treatment will respond faster once you understand your flaws and control them with some lifestyle changes.
Among all types of treatments, counseling and various therapies can give you the best results. For that, you must consult a trained counselor who has successfully treated ADHD. At Click2pro you’ll get online consultation from India's top therapist. Just register your name and get your therapist immediately.
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