Best Online Counselling and therapy
Platform in India

Why Trust Us

Certified & experienced professionals

100% confidential & secure

Proven success record with 9 lakh+ sessions

Personalized care plans

Multilingual support in 13+ languages

Convenient & flexible scheduling

Why Work With Us

Collaborate with top mental health experts

Continuous professional development

Supportive & inclusive work environment

Opportunities for growth & advancement

Make a real impact on people's lives

Competitive compensation & benefits

Why Click2Pro

Trusted by 2.5 lakh+ satisfied clients

Comprehensive mental health services

Access to India's best psychologists & therapists

Easy-to-use online platform

Free 20-minute consultation available

Client-centered approach ensuring best outcomes

Why Trust Us

Certified & experienced professionals

100% confidential & secure

Proven success record with 9 lakh+ sessions

Personalized care plans

Multilingual support in 13+ languages

Convenient & flexible scheduling

Why Work With Us

Collaborate with top mental health experts

Continuous professional development

Supportive & inclusive work environment

Opportunities for growth & advancement

Make a real impact on people's lives

Competitive compensation & benefits

Why Click2Pro

Trusted by 2.5 lakh+ satisfied clients

Comprehensive mental health services

Access to India's best psychologists & therapists

Easy-to-use online platform

Free 20-minute consultation available

Client-centered approach ensuring best outcomes

Amit Gupta (Co-founder)

"As a passionate advocate for mental health, I believe that addressing mental health issues in India requires a multi-faceted approach. In a country as diverse as ours, it's crucial to recognize the unique challenges faced by individuals from various backgrounds. Mental health is not just about treating disorders; it's about promoting overall well-being and resilience. At Click2Pro, we strive to break the stigma surrounding mental health and provide accessible, compassionate care for everyone. Our mission is to create a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to seek help and make positive changes in their lives. Together, we can build a mentally healthier India."

Click2Pro co-founder standing outdoors in a blue jacket
Click2Pro co-founder standing outdoors in a blue jacket
Co-founder of Click2Pro Sanjeev Kumar in a grey checkered blazer

Sanjeev Kumar (Co-founder)

"Mental health awareness is vital for everyone, from the poorest communities to the most affluent. At Click2Pro, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a better life with a healthy mind. We aim to provide affordable and effective mental health services to all. By educating people about mental health and offering support, we can help individuals overcome challenges, build resilience, and lead fulfilling lives. Let's take the initiative to prioritize mental health and create a society where everyone has the resources to thrive."

Co-founder of Click2Pro Sanjeev Kumar in a grey checkered blazer

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