5 Couples Share How Online Marriage Counselling Helped Them


5 Couples Share How Online Marriage Counselling Helped Them

All marriages go through ups and downs. Many couples find that online marriage counselling can help get the relationship back on track when issues arise. Here are success stories from five Indian couples who worked with counsellors remotely using video chat sessions. Their experiences show how this convenient approach can improve communication, increase understanding, and resolve problems - no matter your circumstances.  

Anjali and Rajesh: Reconnecting After Growing Apart  

Married for over 12 years, Anjali and Rajesh felt like they had been living separate lives. Work and family demands meant they hardly spent any couple time together. "We were like two ships passing in the night," shares Anjali. They struggled to understand each other's perspectives. Small disagreements often blew up into major fights. The tension at home was affecting the whole family. 

Ready to try something new, the couple booked online marriage counselling sessions with Click2Pro. Meeting a therapist over video chat was much easier to schedule than driving to an office every week. In the very first session, the counsellor helped us start communicating better. "She gave us tools to express our feelings and listen without getting defensive," says Rajesh. "We started reconnecting by talking openly."  

Now, Anjali and Rajesh set aside time to nurture their relationship for a successful marriage life. They use the techniques learned in relationship counselling to settle disagreements before things spiral out of control. "The video sessions saved our marriage," declares Anjali. "I've got my best friend back."

Priya and Vicky: Overcoming Infidelity  

Priya was shattered when she caught her husband, Vicky, cheating. Though he was apologetic, she struggled to get over the betrayal and loss of trust. Vicky desperately wanted to save their marriage, but Priya was too hurt to move on—every attempt to discuss the infidelity ended in blame and tears.  

A friend suggested trying online marriage counselling. At first, Priya resisted opening up to a stranger on camera. But Vicky convinced her it was worth a try. "The therapist quickly made us feel comfortable," Priya recalls. "She didn't judge or take sides." With her neutral guidance, Priya could slowly share her feelings of humiliation and anger. Vicky learned how his actions made Priya feel unloved.  

It wasn't a quick or easy process rebuilding damaged trust and intimacy. However, online therapy for relationship counselling provides tools to communicate honestly and fix underlying issues. Eighteen months later, Priya confirms they've made huge progress. "I can say our relationship is stronger now than ever. I'm so glad we reached out for online help when we needed it most."

Rhea and Amit: Overcoming Differences  

"We come from very different backgrounds," explains Rhea. "I'm outgoing and impulsive. Amit is introverted and likes routine." Opposites attracted these two. But once married, their personality gaps became roadblocks. Rhea wished Amit could be more social, while he wanted her to think ahead. "We misinterpreted and disrespected each other's behaviour constantly," Amit points out. The shared goal of having children added more strain.  

Ready to stop the endless conflicts, Rhea and Amit booked an online marriage counselling consultation. The counsellor quickly tuned into each spouse's point of view using her active listening approach. For the first time, Rhea grasped how her spontaneous acts came across to Amit as reckless. Amit understood that Rhea desired companionship and adventure.  

"We learned our differences weren't bad, just difficult to manage," says Amit. The counsellor introduced techniques so their opposing traits didn't trigger fights. As mutual understanding improved, so did the whole dynamic. Now, this couple accepts one another's quirks. "We may not always see eye to eye," admits Rhea. "But counselling taught us how to communicate with compassion."   

Mala and Veer: Starting Fresh after Gray Divorce

Ending a lengthy marriage is painful for any couple. But Mala and Veer's obstacles were unique. Like many "grey divorces," their split happened later in life, after 34 years together. Adult kids, health issues, and financial constraints weighed on their choice to separate. There was still caring between them. Yet they struggled to break old patterns that led to nasty quarrels. 

"We believed counselling would make the process less traumatic," says Veer. "But finding an experienced therapist nearby wasn't easy." Then, their daughter suggested Click2Pro's online platform. Right away, they opened up on video chat. "The comfort of our home lets us relax and be candid," explains Mala. With the counsellor's empathy and insights, they discussed disagreements without blow-ups. Veer worked on listening better instead of reacting. Mala practised directly expressing her needs.

As trust grew, reconciliation seemed possible. "We took things slowly, focusing on friendship first," Mala says. Two years later, they happily reunited. "Counseling gave us tools to communicate positively so old wounds can heal," says Veer. Their bond feels renewed after respectfully hearing each other out. "Now we have the confidence to handle whatever comes up," Mala declares. They're so grateful for online support when it is urgently required.

Naina and Samir: Becoming Better Partners and Parents

Like many couples, Naina and Samir struggled with the stress of new parenthood. Caring for a baby and managing careers left them overwhelmed, exhausted, and arguing constantly. "We wanted to do what was best for our child but had no clue how to handle it all," Naina recalls. Late-night tears and anger took over where there once was an easy bond of teamwork between them.  

Unsure where to turn as first-time parents, the couple followed a friend's praise about Click2Pro's online marriage counselling. "It was affordable, and we could meet the counsellor from home after the baby's bedtime," says Samir. "This made it so much more doable." Right away, the therapist's warm manner put them at ease. She quickly recognized unspoken worries behind their conflicts. 

With helpful guidance, Naina opened up about her deep mom's guilt and needed more support. Samir expressed how sole breadwinner pressures made him short-tempered. "It was such a relief to be heard and understood," says Naina. The counsellor taught tactics for resolving issues calmly and restoring empathy. As trust grew, they became better partners and parents.

"I tell everyone about online counselling now," declares Samir. "It saved our relationship when we had a new baby." Naina agrees: "Don't be shy about seeking help online when things get overwhelming." With a stronger bond and parenting strategies, they gained the confidence to enjoy their infant more.

Why Choose Click2Pro for Online Marriage Counseling

What makes Click2Pro stand out for convenient and effective online marriage counselling? They facilitate video sessions with licensed therapists who specialize in relationship issues. Counsellors develop customized treatment plans based on each couple's needs and goals. The secure virtual format allows couples to attend sessions from their own home. This removes commuting obstacles, childcare issues or taking time off work to see a counsellor.

Click2Pro also offers much more flexibility for appointments than traditional counselling. You can schedule video sessions at the time that best fits your routine, whether early morning before the kids wake up or late evening after sleep. There is no waiting room or set day or hour every week. Plus, online counselling costs less than in-office visits since no office overhead exists.

You simply need a reliable internet connection and privacy for sensitive discussions. Click2Pro's experienced marriage counsellors manage everything on their user-friendly video platform. You only need to focus on safely sharing feelings to receive caring support. Then, apply the practical tactics suggested in each session to keep moving forward.

Conclusion: Reach Out Today for Marriage Counseling Online

Like the five couples above learned, online marriage counselling delivers remarkable results. Video chat therapy can guide you to healthier communication habits no matter what specific issues you face as partners or parents. Understanding and empathy are restored when you open up to a compassionate counsellor in the comfort of your home. Practical coping techniques help positively transform how you relate to your spouse.

Click2Pro makes professional relationship support convenient and accessible through flexible video chat sessions. Their licensed therapists develop customized treatment plans tailored to your situation. Ongoing empathy, insights and progress check-ins help you rebuild intimacy at your own pace.

Don't let stress or conflicts continue sabotaging your peace or family stability. The stories here prove that online marriage counselling facilitates long-term harmony between partners. Reach out to Click2Pro today to book an appointment that fits your schedule. Get ready to feel hopeful as you work with warm professionals dedicated to helping couples thrive.


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